Thursday, March 27, 2014

blog #4

It's been a very long trip to San Francisco. I've been up since 4 in the morning. During our way to San Francisco, my puent class and I stopped to get a tour on UC Merced. I took lots of pictures of the campus and I also got some information on what it takes and the process for applying for a UC school.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog #1 and 2

Uh. This is my first time blogging and its kinda weird for me since I've never blogged before. I don't understand of it. and the concept of blogging, but I'll get the hanging of it...I just realized that I never published this blog. I think its award if I publish it now,but I'm going to do it anyway.

blog #3

Sooo Mr. Lee gave me a pretty good idea on what I should do for my 20% project. Now I need to figure out how I'm going to put this project together. During my trip to San Francisco I'm going to take lots of pictures and find out information about UC's that I'm going to visit. I'm also thinking of maybe making a video.